Monday, March 25, 2013

The Trick That Sealed My Fate

Truthfully, I fell in love with Solana from the moment I first laid eyes on her. She was about four hours old. For a few months I deluded myself into believing that I could just hang out with her and love on her as long as she lived there and that if someone else bought her I could go back to hanging out with the other horses. Yeah, right! The day she did this, I quit pretending:
Horses are prey animals. Humans are predators. It takes an awesome amount of trust for a horse to allow a human to approach them when they're on the ground and vulnerable. She went to sleep like this! I think she knew who was really vulnerable here :D



What Remains Now said...

Happy Birthday, Solana! I love that..."I think she knew who was really vulnerable here." I would have to agree.

Sue said...

WOW!!! What a magical moment. She obviously picked you.