Sunday, March 4, 2012

Movie Night

LoML & I decided to watch a movie tonight. While I love snuggling up beside him, our love seat doesn't suit my back very well and so I tend to sit in my own chair over beside Gwyn's bed. Let's be honest here: that way I can also periodically stroke Gwyn's ears...or more recently she's taken to rolling over and roaching and letting me rub her belly. But I digress! Willow was being a bit restless tonight (something about the woeful lack of noms.) She did eventually settle down next to LoML on the love seat. To picture this properly you need to know that we try to imitate movie theatre settings and so watch movies (or TV in general) in the dark. Fortunately, I had my camera next to me. (This because I had gotten it out earlier in the hopes of capturing Gwyn curled in a ball with her tail perfectly aligned along her nose. Sadly, I missed that shot. I digress again.) I had glanced over several times to see Wil' just lying next to her daddy in a very modest sphinx pose. Then, I saw this:
Then this:
I didn't realize 'til I zoomed it that I caught the tongue! LoML says I might pay for posting this one, but I choose to believe she knows I just want to share her divaliciousness with her many admirers around the globe (who may feel compelled to send her noms! feel free!!).
Really...what else is there to say?

1 comment:

What Remains Now said...

This is very Greyhound-like behavior. Perhaps eating some of Gwyn's food has had transformative properties. Don't let Willow see this comment.