Friday, April 3, 2009

Gone to the Dogs

I've been in love with greyhounds for years now, Phil being our second retired racer. I've learned much about the racers, and watched videos of them run...but never been to the races in person. Until now. On our recent visit to Florida, we went here:
And saw this:
And this:
And this....poetry in motion:
More on all the action later. Have a greyt day!
SotD: "You Want Me To" by Sarah McLachlan. Picked up a great one yesterday: Vol. 2 of her "Rarities, B-Sides, and Other Stuff". Must have gotten other songs of hers percolating in my subconscious.
Oh, yeah, btw: I didn't get a chance Wed. night or yesterday morning to yell: WHOO-HOO!!! We're goin' to see U2!!!! Got faboo' tix for the Charlottesville, VA show in October. Can hardly wait.

1 comment:

Lythrum said...

I'm glad that you got to go see the race. I love greyhounds too, and we had considered getting a retired racer at one point too. :)