Sunday, May 11, 2008

Spring is in the Air

Well hello again. So sorry I've been MIA for over two weeks now. Work's been a bit crazy. You know work, that place I have to go to earn money to buy dog treats and try to maintain the cats in the manner to which they've become accustomed? I still have not yet found an employer willing to compensate me for reading, watching movies and surfing the internet. You'll be the first to know if I do. Also, I confess that with the small bits of free time I've had in the past few weeks where I could jump online, I've been obsessively catching up on Pioneer Woman. If you haven't already, please go check out this fabulous blog! And thanks again to Lythrum at Goblins in my Garden for turning me on to PW.

That said, today there will be multiple postings catching you up on some of my recent photography and musings. This time of year around here turns into a riot of color. We have a fence that we've allowed climbing roses to take over. There are several different varieties, with different colors...I had fun taking some close-ups the other morning after a rain.
In addition to the flowers, spring means babies...of all sorts. Apparently a mother bird recently decided that the ideal place for her nest would be in the wreath on my mother-in-law's front door! I snapped this photo of the cute little babies just hanging out. Not sure what they think of it when we forget and use this door, swinging their whole world into the house and back out!

1 comment:

Lythrum said...

Wow, don't visit for a few days and all kinds of posting hell breaks loose! I can't believe the little birds in the wreath on the door, that is hysterical. And very lovely rose picture. :)