Thursday, November 1, 2012

CUTE CON 5...and beyond

Here's a direct quote from an email my SIL sent me (hope she doesn't mind me doing this!) after my last post:
 The level of cuteness on your blog has reached CUTE CON 5. (like Def Con, but cuter)  CUTE CON 5 is the highest level of cuteness that can be withstood by a human being.  After that, body parts start bursting into flames.  And you know, about the time I hit the second or third picture of a sleeping ginger kitty with his paw resting on a voluptuous white divalicious girl kitty, I thought I smelled smoke!
I asked her last night what comes after CUTE CON 5 and she replied "Armageddon." Well, get ready...

Initially Xander was sleeping stretched out in his cube...
..later he moved onto the bed where Wil' was already asleep...

..after rolling over, he started licking her! First, the bottom of her back foot (her head is upside down with her nose tucked into her front paw).. he's licking her ear I think....she was not amused to be awakened like this! Tomorrow there will be video evidence of what transpired be continued..


Kat's sis said...

I thought the level after CUTE CON 5 was "Awwwwwmageddon" - looks like that to me!

What Remains Now said...

Xander loves a sleeping Willow. Can't wait to see what happens next.